Join our Community of Practice - Specialisation Disability
By completing this form and joining the
ACCE Community of Practice - Specialisation Disability
you will be invited to future events and receive any resources shared or developed.
Full name
Name of School or Organisation
Type of School or Organisation (e.g. Govt., Special, Specialist, Independant, Catholic, Department of education (State) e.g. VIC, LLEN, TAFE, University, Private Practice Career Counsellor ...)
Job Title
Career Practitioner
Transition Coordinator
Please select any topics that you would be interested in learning more about.
Assistive/adaptive Technologies for work (what are they and how to access them?)
Bulk SBATS - How effective are they in helping students become work ready, improve employment outcomes, increase social and community participation, build networks.......
Calendar/timeline of time sensitive tasks/ events/ services to engage with to prepare young people for transition
Career Action Plans
Careers Education
Career Education Years 5 & 6
Connecting with NDIS providers, Customised Employment - NDIS plans, School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES), Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE)
Differentiated Assessment tools for work experience
Disability Networks
Employer strategies for Special Needs employees
Extra curricular activities, Social and community groups, alumni programs and events
Helping young people navigate meaningful pathways beyond school
How to build employer confidence to engage with/ provide work placements /hire students
How to setup a transition program - Evidence based tools, communication between schools and families, opportunities for students with higher physical needs, engagement with community, programs, other support services
Impact of transitioning to employment on mental health
Inclusive Careers Benchmarking Tool - how to use the tool to self assess your careers service and implement continual improvements
Inclusive, disability confident employers- Metropolitan and Regional Areas - How to source them
Inclusive School Environment - Showcase Schools
Industry Programs - e.g. Trade tasters
Introduction to Career Development Practice Workshop (ICDP)
Invisible disability and non-NDIS students supports
Linking and building a supportive team - parents, carers, careers staff, inclusion staff, teachers and leadership
My Career Insights
NDIA Presentation: tips on how to use employment supports
Outdoor Recreation and Education - providers & employment opportunities
Pathway and Transition Programs such as Industry Immersions, Ticket to Work, I am Ready, Job Ready and Passport to Employment......
Parent education - e.g. work experience, work exposure, assisting students with invisible disability to access NDIS
Reasonable adjustments
Research and findings on transitioning for young people with disability
Sharing ideas within the COP with other members
School to work transition ideas, process for identifying career paths & post school pathways resources
Showcase Schools- examples of other schools career services
Student stories -Young people with disability sharing their career education experiences, post-school life and ways to improve support
Structured Workplace Learning and School Based Apprenticeships (SBATS), Headstart
VCE, VCE Vocational Major, Victorian Pathways Certificate, Secondary Reform and VET
Work Experience
Other (leave a suggestion)
Other comments or suggestions to support you in your work with young people with disability. What else are you interested in hearing more about?
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